If you need to cancel or reschedule, you have up to 24 hours before the scheduled session to provide fair notice. If you cancel within 24 hours of the appointment time or fail to show up at the scheduled time of the session, it will be considered a no-show and the session will be charged.
If fair notice is provided, a make-up credit will be given. You can use this credit to book any of the available make-up time slots on the Tutorbird calendar. You will be allowed 3 makeupcredits per semester.
In the event of an actual emergency and prior notice could not be given, there will be a one-time exception.
If the student is more than 15 minutes late with no notice, the session will be considered a no-show.
I will consider discontinuing services for clients who fail to show for their scheduled appointment or did not notify me within 24 hours for 3 sessions. You may cancel a session via your Tutorbird account.
Participation in online tutoring is subject to the tutor’s discretion, taking into consideration the student’s attention span and skill level.
If your child will be participating in online tutoring, the following materials are required:
Touchscreen tablet or computer with a functioning camera and microphone
Students engaging in online tutoring sessions should be situated in a quiet environment conducive to learning, preferably seated at a desk with minimal distractions.
Please note that students are not permitted to attend tutoring sessions from within a moving vehicle. If you anticipate being in transit on the day of a scheduled session, I kindly ask that you cancel in advance and reschedule for a makeup session.
If the Boulder Valley school district is closed due to weather conditions, there will be no tutoring that day. If a session is canceled because of a snow day, the cost of that session will be credited towards the next month’s tuition.
Assessments are done twice a year (May and December) to check for progress and set goals. During this time you will be invited to attend a meeting to go over your child’s progress. This meeting will take place in-person or via Zoom during one of your child’s tutoring sessions.
At the end of the summer semester, I will write a summary of concepts worked on and areas that may need more practice which can be shared with your child’s teacher.